商科essay/assignment/paper写作-Academic Paragraph with APA Citation


Adapted from: http://www.mtroyal.ca/library/files/citation/apa.pdf

Academic Paragraph with APA Citation

First use of a reference: paraphrasing
(page number not essential).
Second use of reference: quotation
followed by page number (page number
First source cited again: using  et al. 
because there are three or more authors.
Fourth and fifth use of the same reference:
quotations from different pages.
If refering to more than one page use  pp. 
(plural pages). Page numbers are not
normally included when paraphrasing but
may be included if desired.
Only the secondary reference (i.e. Simpson
et al., 20 04 ) should be included in the
reference list.

Give the initials as well as the surname of the

communicator and provide as exact a date as

possible. Do NOT put in reference list.

Long quotation (>40 words): Indented

separate paragraph; no quotation marks; and

period comes before page number in


When students learn more about the process of learning and begin to incorporate the use of specific
strategies, self-monitoring, and self-reflection into their academic endeavours, they are more successful in
reaching their goals. In their examination of students acquisition of learning strategies, Simpson, Stahl,
and Francis (2004) stressed that students will use a strategy if they understand how, why, and when to
use it. The researchers explained that learning this procedural knowledge would help them understand the
steps ...and how to modify those steps (p. 3). Simpson et al. argued that using the specific strategy
taught in a course is often not as important as using the process the students learn of selecting,
summarizing, organizing, elaborating, monitoring, self-testing, reflecting and evaluating when working on
course content (p. 4). The researchers recommended that faculty teach students how to decipher their
own academic tasks (p. 6). In addition, Lee (2007) argued that once students have acquired a repertoire
of study strategies, they should be taught critical thinking skills to evaluate and modify their use of specific
strategies (pp. 82 - 83). Acquisition of strategic learning is, as Hadwin et al. in 2001 explained, enacted
over time through a series of events (as cited in Simpson et al., 2004, p. 3). P. Foley, a professor at
North London University, observed that motivation is strongly linked to student use of learning strategies
(personal communication, May 16, 2007). Motivation, in turn, can be influenced by students beliefs
about learning. Simpson et al. (2004) commented on such beliefs:
[Many] college freshmen... believe that learning should be easy, completed quickly (i.e.,
the night before in a cramming session) and should happen to them because of what
others do for them (i.e., the professor did not teach me to solve that problem). (p. 4)

Flexible use of strategies, self-reflection, and motivation can enhance academic success. If there are…


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