社会学essay/report/assignment/paper代写-DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIETY



  • Volume 43 | Number 2 | December 2014, 297-350

  • Landing of the Wave: Hallyu in Peru and Brazil*

  • Nusta CarraNza Ko | Purdue university

  • soNg No** | Purdue university

  • JeoNg-Nam Kim | Purdue university

  • roNald gobbi simões | Purdue university

  • What began as the spread of South Korean popular culture in parts of East and

  • Southeast Asia in the late 1990s, Hallyu “the Korean wave,” made its landing and mark in

  • a new cultural context in Latin America years later nearing the end of the first decade of

  • the 21stcentury. But how did Hallyu suddenly emerge in this part of the international

  • system? What factors led to its development? The results of our field research findings in

  • Peru and Brazil brings the argument away from the cultural proximity for both states with

  • high levels of Asian migration (i.e. Japanese and Chinese) and provides an interesting

  • insight into discussions on socioeconomic grounds that may have influenced individuals’

  • interests towards Hallyu.

  • Keywords: Latin America, Hallyu, Korean Wave, Korean Culture

    • This research is conducted by the Korean Studies Competitive Research Funding Grant, with the
  • support of the Academy of Korean Studies.

  • ** Corresponding author and the principal investigator


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