社科语言学essay/report/assignment/quiz/assessment/paper代写-Annotated Bibliography Rubric


Annotated Bibliography Rubric

[For summary help, see Rules for Writers pp. 76-77]

A (90 – 100) B (80 – 89) C (70 – 79) D (60 – 69) U (0- 59)
Reference: APA Standard (20 %) Reference information is cited accurately and thorougly. Entries are formatted properly.(Rules for writers, 64b, pp. 557 -578.) Reference information is cited accurately and thorougly. Entries are formatted properly. Some of the entry content is disorganized. Reference information is mostly cited and acurately although some content may be missing. Entries may be formatted correctly and some entry content is missing or disorganized. Reference information is not accurately recorded. Some entries may not be alphabetized according to author surname. Formatting is innacurate, and key source information is missing. Cursory, or limited attempt at identifying,and recording sources. Key source information is missing. Writer shows disregard, or is unaware of, of APA citation conventions.
Effectiveness of the Opening Sentence (20%) Accurately mentions the title of the text, the name of the author (if available), and the author’s thesis or central point. Mentions with small errors the title of the text, the name of the author (if available), and the author’s thesis or central point. Provides only partial mention of the title of the text, the name of the author (if available), and the author’s thesis or central point. Fails to mention the title of the text, the name of the author (if available), and/or the author’s thesis or central point. Begins the summary with a sentence that shows a misunderstanding of the assignment.
Brevity, Accuracy, and Coherence of Key Points (25%) Briefly and accurately mentions all key points in the text with clear transitions. Mentions most key points in the text but may leave out or misrepresent an important idea while still using adequate transitions. Mentions few key points in the text and may leave out or misrepresent an important idea while sometimes lacking clear transitions. Fails to mention key points, or fails to do so briefly and accurately, and/or misrepresents points while using unclear transitions. Provides sentences that show a misunderstanding of the assignment.
Authority of the Summary: tone, focus, and the writer’s own words. (20 %) Neutrally presents ideas, focuses on the text, and uses own words except when clearly quoting in APA style. Mostly neutrally presents ideas, focuses on the text, and uses own words except when quoting in APA style. Sometimes lacks a neutral tone, presents the text’s ideas as if they were the writer’s own, and copies the author’s words without quoting in clear APA style. Often lacks a neutral tone, presents the text’s ideas as if they were the writer’s own, and misuses the author’s words without quoting in clear APA style. Copies the text’s words almost exclusively without an attempt at quoting in APA style. Occasions of obvious plagiarism including appropriating words and sentence structure of the source.
Accuracy of Grammar And Usage (15%) -Uses appropriate point of view and tense -Has very few grammar and usage problems that obscure meaning. -Mostly uses appropriate point of view and tense -Have few grammar and usage problems that obscure meaning. -Sometimes lacks an appropriate point of view and tense -Sometimes writes with distracting grammar and usage problems. -Often lacks an appropriate point of view and tense -Often writes with distracting grammar and usage problems. Shows a misunderstanding of point of view, tense, and basic grammar structures for understandable meaning.


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