assessment/essay/report/summary代写-Develop and deploy object oriented applications


Develop and deploy object oriented applications – Assessment Task 1 LAST UPDATED: June 2015, Version No. 2. 2

Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501

Assessment 1 Computer Base Activities


This assessment needs to be completed in addition to the Tutorial/Class activities you may complete in class during the cluster. You must successfully complete the tasks specified in this assessment.

You will undertake different activities based on your lecture notes and lab works, books and others materials in this assessment. This will assess knowledge and skills related to a number of elements of competency for this cluster.

You are required to use Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and C# language for this assessment.

If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask your Trainer.

Evidence required:

Tasks Demonstration Submission

Task 1 to Task 6

Run your program
and show/display
the output to
your Trainer
1) Copy the source code and put/paste in a MS Word document
2) Take the screen shot of displayed output and paste under the
source code
3) Repeat step 1 and 2 for all the tasks (1-6)
4) Put your name and student id in the document footer and
5) Attach the Assessment Cover Sheet and submit to the

Trainer will set the duration of the assessment.

Your tasks:

Assume, you are working for ABC limited as an Analyst Programmer in IT division and you are asked to create an application to keep track of the company employees. To do that you need to perform following tasks.

Task 1:

Formulating the Features for a Financial Calculator

Design a financial calculator that will be able to determine the monthly payments for a simple fixed-rate home mortgage. Using the screenshot below create the calculator.

To determine the monthly payments required for a fixed rate mortgage, we need three inputs:

The amount of money being borrowed (the principal)

Develop and deploy object oriented applications – Assessment Task 1 LAST UPDATED: June 2015, Version No. 2. 2

Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501
The loans annual interest rate
The duration of the loantypically 15 or 30 years (the loans term)

Develop and deploy object oriented applications – Assessment Task 1 LAST UPDATED: June 2015, Version No. 2. 2

Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501
Task 2:
1) Create an Employee class that will allow you to create an instance of each employees name and
employee ID, as well as their pay rate per hour.
2) Include a function that will take the input of the number of hours they worked in a given week, and
perform a simple calculation of the wages they earned for that week.
3) Add a Button to the form that will create a few sample employees and calculates their wages, then
display the total wages for all employees in a label.
Hint: Use the same method you have used in Task 1
Task 3:
4) Create a web page using
ASP.NET that displays
three search engines as
shown in the following

Develop and deploy object oriented applications – Assessment Task 1 LAST UPDATED: June 2015, Version No. 2. 2

Lower Ground, 101 Sussex St., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia |
ABN: 19 080 559 600 | CRICOS CODE: 01856K | RTO: 90501
Task 4:

Write an ASPX file that will multiply the values of two integer variables together. Then modify the example to add, divide and subtract the two numbers.

Task 5: In an create the following:

Define a class called Computers that has two Boolean attributes and three methods
Classes named Dell, HP and Toshiba that extend Computer
In each of the classes implement code that will demonstrate specific behaviour unique to each type
of computer. Use the table below
Computers OS RAM Hard disk Screen
Dell Windows 8 4GB 650GB 14  Intel core
HP Windows 7 2GB 500GB 15 Intel core
Toshiba Windows 7 1GB 750GB 15.5 AMD
Task 6 – Database:

Create a new database named TestDB.mdf. After creating the database, add a new database table named Albums. Imagine that you want to use this database table to hold information about the album that you own. Add columns with appropriate types and names. Some suggested columns include the following:

an Auto-increment primary key column named AlbumID;
an nvarchar(50) column titled Title;
an nvarchar(75) column titled Artist;
a money column titled Price;
a datetime column titled DateReleased.
a datetime column titled DatePurchased.

After creating the Albums table, add a number of records to the table.


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